
Your eye in the sky!

|| Security
|| 2D, 3D Mapping
|| Conservation
|| Inspections of infrastructure
|| Game farming
|| Mining
|| Aerial Photography
|| Thermal Mapping
|| Lidar Survey

Fully licensed ROC holder, registered with the CAA and ICASA

Drone Systems Africa is a drone service provider leveraging the latest developments in drone hardware and software applications to deliver its accurate and actionable data in a user-friendly manner.

Our services

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Security / 24/7 Security

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Thermal Imagery

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Infrastructure Inspections

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Real Estate

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Golf Courses

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Promotional Videos

Get a quote fast!


Drone Systems Africa (Pty) Ltd offers a range of services to individuals and companies who plan to make use of drone footage for commercial purposes. We are a registered Remote Operating Company as per the accreditation process laid out by the Civil Aviation Authority of South Africa.

Why drones?

Drone technology is revolutionising remote-access inspection, aerial mapping and survey methodologies, videography and live aerial streaming.  In this highly specialised and governed industry finding the right partner is critical in ensuring that your requirements are met and executed within the law for safety and compliance and deliver the highest quality and standard of product.


Our clients

Get In touch

available from 06:00-16:00


Postal address 

1678 Cramer view